Maja Trek & Adventures®

explore  |  remeber  |  respect

"leave the big roads, take the paths"

Hello! I am Francesco Verzulli, from Abruzzo, born in 1980, since I was a child with a great passion for hiking, nature and the mountains, for years I have been hiking, mountaineering and climbing in Italy and abroad for years. For some years now, by founding Maja Trek & Adventures®, I have managed to fulfill a dream, to make what I had practiced only for passion and pure pleasure into a real job.

I address with particular proposals on the national and foreign territory, in particular in the Central and Northern Apennines area, always with concreteness and clarity in the description, helping to define the expectations of those who approach this type of activity, thus putting the aspect at the center human as the basis of the relationship, leaving no one behind, speaking to people and not to customers, to travel companions and not to tourists, to environmental interpreters and not just consumers.

Why Maja Trek & Adventures ?

Let's start with the name, Maja, my daughter and a tribute to what for many Abruzzo people is the "Mother Mountain", the Majella and which I have made a brand for my activities. Personally I believe that behind every place there is a story, made up of men, villages, refuges and that in turn, stories of encounters and worlds that are not waiting to be shared are still preserved inside them. I am convinced that the natural and cultural heritage, including the communities that insist on it, are a real common good to be protected as well as the sense of wonder that I often encounter in people's eyes.


We Speak English! - On Parle Français!

We're available for one-day guides or for multi-day walks to be designed together!

+39 3475551940

Instagram & faceboook | @majatrekadventures

Instagram & faceboook | @francesco.majatrekadventures @francesco.verzulli

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Reference Tour Operator

For the walks and experiences of several days the Technical Direction is entrusted to

Together in Tuscany & Umbria by Denyse Perathoner Via XX Settembre, 26 - 52044 Cortona (AR)

Partners e Technical Support

My Personal Experiences - Portfolio


Parco Nazionale della Majella, Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo Lazio e Molise, Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso d'Italia e Monti della Laga, Terminillo, Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Parco Regionale del Monte Cucco, Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, Dolomiti Trentine e Friulane, Monte Rosa e Valli Walser, Val Maira, Monte Bianco, Valtournenche, Via Francigena, Parco delle Cinque Terre, Chianti, Val d'Orcia, Montagnola Senese e Parco delle Colline Metallifere, Monte Amiata e Monte Labbro, Parco Regionale della Maremma e Argentario, Arcipelago Toscano, Parco del Delta del Po, Val Comelico, Gennargentu, Altipiano del Golgo e Salvaggio Blu, Isole Eolie, Isole Egadi, Isole Tremiti


Isole Svalbard e Polo Nord, Isole Lofoten, Finnmark, Norvegia, Pirenei Atlantici, Alta Provenza e Gorges du Verdon, Castelli della Loira, Normandia e Bretagna, Val d'Isère e Col de l'Iseran, Vanoise, Paesi Baschi, Engadina, Isola di Madeira, Camargue, Creta e Gole di Samarìa, Corsica e GR20, Londra, Madrid, Berlino: Tegeler e Grunewald Forst


Perù, Bolivia: L' Altiplano e La Cordigliera Andina

You can find us in the Accredited Guides with our activities also in

Tuscany Official site | Visit Tuscany

SCIA Rete Regionale SUAP STAR Pratica n. VRZFNC80R28C632U-23032022-1538

We're among Aigae Guides affiliated for the outdoor promotion with COOP

In my backpack I carry with me the curiosity and the desire for knowledge of the first time, the one that allowed me to ride a lot and not stop at the first difficulties. My long-standing training and experience has taken me to the places I have dreamed of for a lifetime, from the Andes range to the far north of the globe, almost touching the pole alone. I walked in many places, from our home, from the Via Francigena, to trekking on the volcanic slopes of the Atlantic Islands, from the Alpine Paths to the long trails of Northern Europe, from the Atlantic Pyrenees to the deep canyons in the Mediterranean basin, simple sub-urban treks linked to the interpretation of the landscape in the great green lungs of European capitals. I am a member of the Italian Alpine Club with which I collaborate with various sections in the organization of exits and the realization of some projects, I collaborated with the National Alpine Rescue Corps on the occasion of the tragic seismic events in Central Italy in 2009, 2016 and 2017, training myself for rescue in inaccessible areas as well as for rescue with the Civil Protection protocol with CISOM - Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta. Precisely through training, an aspect in which I strongly believe as the real basis of my business, I fund continuous growth and updating, from the procedures held in the CNSAS and AINEVA courses for the safety and recovery of people overwhelmed in avalanches, to hiking in winter, up to cycle tourism, nothing is left to chance.

AIGAE Associated Certified Professional Environmental Hiking Guide

Basic and Advanced 2nd Level Hiking Courses

(Italian Association of Environmental Hiking Guides)

Italian Guide Register Code UM159 

The AIGAE certification is obtained at the end of a training course regulated by Italian law and guarantees the quality of the service provided.

Monte Cucco's Official Caves Guide CSEN National Sport Cycle Touring Guide

 Monte Cucco Regional Park - Umbria - Italy Technical Card and Certification n° 2755443 / 2021

DAL KARACORUM ALL’APPENNINOil mio racconto breve per (storie fuori traccia)
Maja Trek & Adventures is signatory ofThe Clean Outdoor Manifesto
We are present in " "

among the Professional Guides

We are present on the site "Strade di Siena" between Accredited Hiking Guides

To insure our companions, I use the App

Excursions in  Safety
We are a registered usersMontana Radio Network 

with radio



Excursions in  Safety
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Excursions in  Safety


Cycle Touring MTB & E-Bike

Maja Trek & Adventures and Tuscany Cycling House

It is a source of great personal and professional satisfaction to have Andrea Rossi's Tuscany Cycling House next to us.

Andrea is a friend, a bike enthusiast and a great professional in the sector, Instructor of the Italian Mountain Bike School (SIMB) and UISP Environmental Cycling Guide, but first of all he is a reference figure in the area, he is among the promoters of events that have relevance nationally such as the Gran Fondo Val di Merse and internationally such as the Grand Tour of the Val di Merse and above all Strade Bianche. He is co-author of the guide translated into several languages ​​"Val di Merse by bicycle" and offers our guests, through his structure, the rental of both muscle and electric bikes, in addition to the guide service, bike tours in Tuscany, the Dolomites, in France where he specializes in tours in Provence, the Alps and the Pyrenees and has been following groups for years during the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia and other major sporting events such as the Marathon of the Dolomites, and L' Eroica.

New MTB & Gravel bikes and E-bikes rental service in collaboration with

For your Maja Trek & Adventures® experiences you can use the following payment and booking methodsPour vos expériences avec Maja Trek & Adventures® vous pouvez utiliser les méthodes de paiement  et de réservation suivantes

Regulatory framework

The Environmental Hiking Guide operates as a Freelancer by virtue of Law 4/2013 “Provisions relating to non-organized professions” [(13G00021) GU General Series n. 22 of 26/01/2013, entered into force on 10/02/2013]. The GAE (Environmental Excursion Guides) accompany you on normal hiking trails and based on sentence no. 459/2005 of the Constitutional Court and sentence no. 564-2018 of the Administrative Court of Piedmont, in addition to the filings ordered by various Criminal Courts, there is no exclusivity of GA (Alpine Guides) and AMM (Medium Mountain Guides) for the accompaniment in the mountains because the activity is reserved for The law to the Alpine Guides is only the one that requires the use of a rope, ice ax or crampons and because that of GAE is a different profession from that of AMM. This also applies to the accompaniment in a snowy environment. In the law n. 6/1989 on the profession of Alpine Guide, there is no article that expressly reserves accompaniment on snow for Alpine Guides. Art. 2, paragraph 1, letter a) reserves to the Alpine Guides only the accompaniment of people in "ascents" on rock and ice. The ban on excursions in a snowy environment provided for by art. 21 of Law no. 6/1989 for Medium Mountain Guides is not valid for Environmental Hiking Guides because it is a different profession. An Environmental Hiking Guide or Naturalistic Guide is anyone who, for professional activity, accompanies safely, on foot or by other non-motorized means of transport (except for the use of the same to reach the places of visit), individuals or groups in environments natural, even snow-covered, also ensuring the necessary technical assistance and carrying out teaching, education, environmental interpretation and dissemination activities and education for sustainability. The professional activity of the Environmental Hiking Guide provides for the description, explanation and illustration of the environmental, naturalistic, anthropological and cultural aspects of the territory with scientific-cultural connotations, leading to visits to mountain, hilly, plain and aquatic environments, also anthropized, including parks and protected areas, as well as environments or exhibition structures of a naturalistic, eco-environmental, ethnological and ecological nature, in order to illustrate the elements, characteristics, ecological relationships, the link with history and cultural and food and wine traditions, landscape attractions, and to provide elements of sustainability and environmental education. The professional activity of the Environmental Hiking Guide also includes the design, programming and conduct of workshops and educational initiatives, education, interpretation and environmental dissemination, also supporting the teaching staff in schools. All activities and routes that still require the use of climbing techniques and equipment (ie rope, ice ax and crampons) are excluded from the professional scope of the Environmental Hiking Guide. The GAE profession is recognized at European level, through the adoption of the ISCO-08 regulation which took place with Regulation (EC) no. 1022/2009 of 29 October 2009 of the Commission 2 amending regulations (EC) no. 1738/2005, (EC) no. 698/2006 and (EC) no. 377/2008 regarding the standard international classification of professions (ISCO). The professional profile of the GAE or Naturalistic Guide is also defined and described by the same Ministry of Labor and Social Policies through the Isfol, Institute for the development of professional training of workers, and is also considered and described by ISTAT, always as a profile professional distinguished from the Tourist Guide on the basis of the International Standard Classification of Occupations - Isco085; the same source accepted by the European Union as the official classification of professions.

COVID-19 and Regulations: at the time of registration, please read the documentation relating to the "Regulations", "Guidelines", "Reserve of the Guide", "Privacy Policy" and "Self-certification" at the following link

 Maja Trek & Adventures® friendships